Cardboard Cycad Zamia furfuracea

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Height outdoors to 1 m.

Full sun or part shade.


Notes from the plant tag:

Description:  One of the most popular species of cycad in cultivation, this interesting plant has long fronds which arch from a central crown.  The fronds carry tightly packed leaflets which give the plant a fern-like appearance.

Uses:  Ideal for tropical and warm temperate climates.  An excellent feature plant, grown for its striking architectural foliage, suitable for garden beds, or containers.

Postion:  Ideal for tropical and warm temperate climates, it prefers a sunny, well drained position in an open garden.  Avoid shade and excessively wet foliage.

Care:  This hardy and adaptable cycad benefits from occasional applications of recommended fertiliser in the growing season.  Keep drier in cooler weather.


Caution:  Harmful if eaten.