Full sun to part shade
Height: 3-5 m (garden) or 5-8 m (rainforest)
Width: 2-3 m (garden) or 4-5 m (rainforest)
Warm to hot conditions
Notes from the plant tag:
DESCRIPTION: A large, evergreen, multi-stemmed shrub which is breathtaking in full bloom.
FLOWERS: The whole plant is covered with masses of white, tubular, highly perfumed flowers. Blooms are short lived but produced up to five times a year in tropical climates.
FRUIT: Brilliant-red, egg-shaped fruit.
CAUTION: All parts of this plant are poisonous.
CULTIVATION: Protect from drying wind and keep plants well-watered during warm weather.
USES: A beautiful shrub for small private gardens, courtyards, parks and landscapes, where the perfume can be enjoyed.